Sunday, June 14, 2020

You Just Don't Get It

You just don't get it. Of course all lives matter, but since Black Lives have not mattered for over 400 years it must be stated that they do. Your failure at logic astounds me. If I said folk music matters does that mean no other music matters? Of course not! Trump supporters think in black and white. Ironic isn't it. They cannot deal with the grey areas. I think it hurts their heads.  

Trump is 'Agent Orange' because of his hue and because he kills everything he touches. He is, and will always remain the B.S. (Bone Spur) president. 

He ran away from his obligation to serve his country! 5 deferments. 1 of them because his feet supposedly hurt. I'm surprised he was even able to make it to his bunker to, ahem, inspect it. 

Trumphausen by Proxy because he creates a situation and then pretends to fix it. Unfortunately he underestimated coronavirus and his patient, the United States and its inhabitants, are dying.

His presidency will go down in history as a grotesque aberration.

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