Monday, June 29, 2020

The Five

I watched the ‘The Five’ for a few painful moments on ‘Fox News’ the other night. One of the hosts, I think it was Bob Beckel, suggested that we needn’t worry about having younger people wear face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic since they were not considered to be in the ‘high risk’ category for catching the virus. Instead, we should focus our attention and resources on the elderly and ‘vulnerable’. Sounds good, until you think it through, which is not one of ‘Fox News’ strongest points. They don’t seem, or want, to understand the ramifications of contagions. No one on this pitiful show challenged Bob.

Let’s look at this logically. A bunch of kids have flasks of poison. This poison is unlikely to harm them seriously, but it could. The poison will, however, injure or cause death to elderly and ‘vulnerable’ populations. Of course you would want the elderly and ‘vulnerable’ to protect themselves by wearing face masks. If you had half a brain cell in your head wouldn’t you also want the kids to stop throwing the poison around? That’s why they need to wear face masks. These masks would prevent them from spreading the poison. The less poison spread the less chance of ingestion. Wouldn’t you want to do everything in your power to protect all people from getting sick?

What the hell is wrong with those people at Fox!? How many ways can you explain how viruses work before they get it? Did any of these morons ever take science in school?! Now I know why they call it ‘The Five’. Five hosts. A combined I.Q. of 5!!

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