Sunday, June 14, 2020

Trump On Being Wrong

What Trump hates most is being wrong. Not winning or losing. That is why he says one thing one day and exactly the opposite on another day. That way he can always claim he was right. There is no morality in this tactic he uses. It's like being on a debate team. When you go to a debate match you have all the materials to either be pro or con on the subject that is chosen to be debated about. It has nothing to do with what is right or wrong, or moral. It only has to do with winning the match. Trump is not a seasoned debater, so winning is not his main goal. He is a very insecure human being as witnessed by how he clutches his body when people ask him tough questions and he feels he is being attacked. That is something he just cannot take. He is like a child in a schoolyard who, when he is losing, decides to take his ball and go home. Leaving everyone else without the ball so they cannot play. I suppose you could blame his parents for how he was raised. That fact that they had him at all is quite troublesome in retrospect!

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