Wednesday, June 17, 2020

You Can't Make This Stuff Up

Trump says; "If we stop testing right now, we'd have very few cases, if any." When referring to the coronavirus.

By that logic if we didn't report on systemic racism or the killing of black men by the police then it wouldn't be happening. I know, if I locked myself in the basement with all the blinds closed then the sun would never come up because I wouldn't see it. How about if we stopped testing people for HIV then we would cease to have HIV. Or maybe, if Trump fell over in a forest and there was no one there to hear him would he make a sound? Trump believes that what he doesn't know won't hurt him. Maybe that is why he thinks he is invincible.

Astounding isn't it? Not if you remember that Trump has a primitive brain. His intellectual development, or lack thereof, can be compared with a that of 1 year old human mind. How's that? Well, if you show a 1 year old child an object, then cover up that object right in front of that child as far as that child is concerned that object no longer exists. Or like when a parent pretends to snatch away a child's nose by grabbing at the child's face then showing the child a fist with the thumb protruding between the first finger and the middle finger. Oh no! I want my nose back!!

Trump is incapable of intricate thought processing. That is why he lets other people and outlets like Fox news digest information that they may then spit it back to him in easily digestible soundbites and bits that he can wrap his childlike brain around, and that ain't saying much. That is also why he uses words like good, bad, sad and other such words so much. As in, "Tarzan; good, fire; bad, Jane; sad". See what I mean? Primitive caveman type speech. That's about where Trump's brain registers on the 'Intellectual Capabilities Meter'. If ignorance were alcohol Trump would blow well over the legal limit and he'd have to walk all the way home on his painful heels.

Trump does not possess intellectual curiosity. He does not read. If he had been holding a Cheerios box painted black with the word 'Bible' on it for his church photo op he wouldn't have even noticed.  He must have his information silver-spoon fed to him. His brain cannot make the connections that a healthy human brain can. Connections are the natural order. That's how the healthy brain functions. A neural net. Connections.

If Trump were to be compared in his intelligence level with that of a living being in the animal kingdom an invertebrate might be an obvious choice. However, an octopus is an invertebrate and it possesses complex problem solving capabilities. Something which Trump obviously lacks. An oyster might not be a bad choice but at least something good and desirable comes from them. Pearls. Clams, yes clams! Clams aren't altogether hopeless though. They can propel themselves through sand using their 'muscular foot', and with no bones they would have no 'bone spurs'. No heel pain. Unlike our illustrious 'B.S.' 'Bone Spur' president!!

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