Sunday, June 28, 2020

Note To CNN

CNN, you do a really fine job of keeping us informed, however you need to step up your game if you want to get serious about stopping corovavirus. As you know, it has killed more people than the Vietnam War. The news media back then helped to stop that injustice by showing the horrors of war. Not just talking about it. It took them a while, but when they got around to it, it made a big difference. You give the numbers every day but you don’t show the people who are suffocating on ventilators or being pulled off life support. Back then they showed the wounded and the dead. They showed the body bags. You need to show the caskets and the grieving relatives. I understand you need to get permission to do this, but I am sure, just as back during the Vietnam War, those involved would do anything necessary to stop the senseless dying. I know this sounds drastic, but desperate times demand desperate measures. We don’t need talking heads just telling us what’s going on. The public needs to see it! You are television aren’t you? We get the tele, where’s the vision?

You may think this is ‘preaching to the choir’ because the audience that most needs to see these things tune into Fox and the ‘Right Wing Media’ but they also ‘channel surf’ and click around during commercials. That is why it is imperative that you saturate the airwaves with these images. Occasionally members of that audience will have to be subjected to the horrible truth. Isn’t saving lives worth it? We deserve better!

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