Sunday, June 14, 2020

Trump's Primitive Brain

When Trump says there were "very fine people on both sides" in Charlottesville what he means is that as examples of humans in the very base sense of biological classification these were "very fine" representations. In other words, imagine that you went to an aquarium and there were two sharks. One just had a meal of smaller fish and crustaceans and the other just ate an innocent little girl. Both would be fine examples of sharks. There would be no moral judgement in this. Trump has no moral judgement, his brain is too simple for processing intricate information. Therefore if you went to 'Trump's Zoo of Human Beings' and in one cage there was Mother Theresa and in another cage was the Grand Dragon of the KKK the cages would simply be labeled "Examples of Humans" and they would be examples of humans, and in Trump's Primitive Brain they would both be "very fine" examples. If this is hard to understand imagine you were an alien from another planet and had never seen humans before and had no idea about the customs and morality of the human species. You and your alien friends go to 'Trump's Zoo' and see the cages labeled "Examples of Humans" There you would see Mother Theresa and the Grand Dragon of the KKK. As far as you are concerned these would be fine examples of humans. There is no moral judgement in this. Trump has designed, or more accurately, has had his zoo designed for him in such a way that morals are not allowed in and are left at the entrance.

This also explains why Trump can say that 'Choke Holds' are "innocent" and "beautiful". Because as concepts with the lack of any moral pinnings, they are. They are simply ideas and ideas in and of themselves are neither 'evil' or 'good'. They just simply are. When they are acted upon, then they take on morality because they then have an effect on the human condition. This is something Trump does not understand.

Remember, Trump's Brain is in it's primitive state. It has not had the opportunity to develop as fully as it does in a healthy human head. Fundamentally Trump is mentally disabled. That's it, that's all.

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