Monday, June 15, 2020

Squandered Opportunity

So MAGA. Trump was supposed to 'Make America Great Again' and yet he has done, wittingly or unwittingly, more to dismantle and destroy America than any other American leader in modern history. Whoever runs against Trump in November, probably Joe Biden, should use his own campaign slogan against him not to 'Make America Great Again' but simply to 'Make America Again'. Trump has 'unmade' America, so what better way to highlight his failure by simply saying let's 'Make America Again'? That should be Biden's campaign slogan. Simple. To the point and true.

While we're at it, anybody in any campaign that is opposed to Trump and his obvious failings should refer to him at any and every possible opportunity as the 'B.S. President' This works on 3 fronts:
1. He has often calls things he does not agree with as 'bullshit'. Even and in spite of any facts that would support the contrary.
2.  He has demonstrably lied or made false and misleading statements well over 15,000 times since the inception of his presidency. That makes him a supreme purveyor of 'bullshit', or 'B.S.'
3. He failed to meet his obligation to serve his country by getting 5 deferments! 4 for being in College. (Remember, Michael Cohen revealed that, under the direction of President Trump, he had sent letters to Trump’s high schools, colleges and the College Board (creator of the SAT), threatening them with legal action and jail time if they ever released Trump's academic records) and 1 for supposed bone spurs of which the medical records have neither been released or substantiated. In other words he 'Dodged the Draft' because his feet hurt. 'Bone Spurs'!? Bone Spurs = 'B.S.'

So from now on we should always refer to Donald John Trump as the 'B.S. President' and do everything in our power to 'Make America Again'!

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