Friday, June 26, 2020

I See The Light

You’re right after all. Why should it be mandated that I have to wear a face mask when social distancing is not possible? Where’s my freedom of choice? My First Amendment Rights? I finally see the light.

While we’re at it, what gives anyone the right to tell me how fast I can drive my car? It’s not like it’s my intention to injure anybody. It’s not my fault if they can’t get out of the way in time.

For that matter, why should there be motorcycle helmet laws? Who cares if someone has to go to the hospital for life saving surgery? Why should they take up a perfectly good bed or the ventilator a Covid-19 patient is on. So what if all the hospital beds are full of coronavirus patients? In the time of a pandemic, surgery for a massive head injury should be considered elective. Just hold on to dear life until an available slot opens up.

The gall of the government.

Hey, guys and gals at Fox news. You must be seething at the restrictions that the nasty Government Agency the ‘FCC’ puts on you. I always hear you complaining about those damn 
darn decency laws, don’t I? Those words you can’t say on TV. Sticks and stones and all that. Besides, what’s worse? Someone yelling obscenities at you from across the room or a COVID-19 riddled unmasked person sneezing directly into your face? 

Make us wear masks? My eye!

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