Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Trick For Tweet

President Donald Trump on Sunday morning widely shared a video he said is from the Villages, a retirement community in Florida, in which a man driving a golf cart with Trump campaign posters is seen chanting "white power” while pumping his fist. Trump said “thank you” to the “great people of the Villages” where the video was shot. The video was later taken down.

Here he goes again having it both ways. As I posted in the past (‘Trump On Being Wrong’ June 13). That is why he says one thing one day and exactly the opposite on another day. That way he can always claim he was right.” With tweeting a video the tactic is a little different. By Trump retweeting the Villages video he woos voters on the ‘Right’ and ‘Far Right’. When he takes down the video he woos voters offended by the video, which is, or should be, everybody else. (Remember, there were “very fine people on both sides”.)

Major point here: He does not apologize for the tweet. In this way he does not have to admit he was wrong, nor does he lose face with his ‘Far Right’ and ‘White Racist’ voting bloc. There is no morality in this. Trump does not seem to have the intellectual tools needed to have morals. As John Bolton points out in his book “The Room Where It Happened” Trump is only concerned with his reelection.

As odd as it may sound I also believe Trump does these things out of arrested development and his desire to be loved. Remember he said on the ‘Sean ‘Suck-Up’ Hannity’ show, and I quote “Biden's going to be your president because some people don't love me, maybe”. Too bad Donald. Too bad.

1 comment:

  1. By the way, the "because some people don't love me" part doesn't even make sense. He's literally saying that, if he loses, it'll be because a minority of voters don't love him. That's just inane! To the contrary, if he loses, it'll have to be because the MAJORITY of voters don't love him. Yet his own supporters (who must, in reality, be the minority which he's the most worried about) won't in any case notice what a stupid thing he's just said.
