Saturday, July 4, 2020

Independence Day

It’s Independence Day! The day The Continental Congress declared that the thirteen American colonies were no longer subject (and subordinate) to the monarch of Britain, King George III.

Donald John Trump has had many of his very own Independence Days. Let’s just list a few:

1. His independence from being faithful to Melania by having affairs with other women months after his son Barron was born in 2006.
2. His independence from his financial obligations. At least 6 times! By declaring bankruptcy from 1991 – 2009.

3. His independence from having to serve in the military by avoiding the draft because of  “bone spurs” in 1972. (the B.S. President!)

4. His independence from the facts, i.e.: Covid-19 cases are “up only because of our big number in testing”. Stating that The World Health Organization had consistently ignored reports of the virus spreading in China in early December (2019), including ones featured in its publication. In fact, first reports were actually published January 24, 2020.

5. His independence from distancing himself from ‘White Nationalists’ in 2017 by declaring there were “very fine people on both sides” in Charlottesville.

6. His independence from Stormy Daniels by paying her $130,000 in hush money to keep her quiet about their sexual liaison in 2006.

7. His independence from the truth. Trump has lied or made misleading statements at least 15,000 times since his election.

8. His independence from being an informed, hard working elected official by refusing to read. Having really brief briefings and spending 365 days of his presidency by going to the golf course.

9. His independence from critical thinking. His brain is just not equipped to handle the task.

10. His independence from respect for women as exhibited by his “grab them by the pussy” hot mic moment in 2005. His disdain for women is still apparent to this day by how he refers to his female political rivals.

We can all just hope and pray that we will gain our independence from Donald on November 3rd!


  1. I will have my ears very close to the radio speaker on November 3rd and hope that Agent Orange sinks into insignificance!
    Y N W A
