Monday, July 13, 2020

Hide And Seek

Places to hide where Trump would never go to look for you:

1. A library
2. A Mensa meeting
3. A lie detector demonstration
4. A confessional
5. A Soul Food restaurant
6. A spelling bee
7. A science museum
8. A Scrabble™ tournament
9. A hospital room (where his brother is dying)
10. CNN
11. A Faithfulness Group Meeting (yes, there is such a thing)
12. Among any group of volunteers (unpaid)
13. The back of the bus
14. A Stormy Daniels hearing
15. In the Oval Office (if the weather is good enough for golfing)
16. The Draft board
17. Standing on 5th Avenue shooting someone (and not getting away with it)
18. A podiatrist office (for a 'bone spur' evaluation)

Our illustrious B.S. President.

Peek a boo, Donald. We do see right through you.

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