Thursday, July 9, 2020

All Tuckered Out

Look at what Tucker 'McNearly Brain-Dead' Carlson at Focks News said about Tammy Duckworth. She's "a deeply silly and unimpressive person" who "hates America". "A coward", "fraud", "a moron".

While Tucker was struggling to fashion his pretty-boy bow tie, Tammy Duckworth the helicopter pilot and Purple Heart recipient who lost both her legs in Iraq was serving her country. (The country she supposedly hates.)

While Tucker was spilling beer from the paper cups that he and his frat boy buddies played beer-pong with, Tammy was spilling her blood in Iraq in service to her country. (The country she supposedly hates.)

Tammy has more soul and integrity in the screws that hold here prosthetic legs together than Tucker has in his whole heartless body.

Tucker didn't even 'McNearly' serve in the military.

He is a Focks News piece of shit. A shining example among all the other Focks frat boys and sorority girls. A true "Brown Nose" recipient.

About the bravest thing Tucker has ever done is to kiss the ass of his hero and fellow non-server, 'B.S.' 'Bone Spur President' Donald J Trump.

Tucker, why don't crawl back into the sewer that spawned you!


  1. Piece of shit is being nice!!!

  2. My spouse got sucked into the Fox wormhole. I sometimes overhear the spewing bullshit through my headphones - must get a better pair. Every time I hear one of their hosts I think "they are the worst". Until I hear the next one. Then the next. As dreadful as Tucker is, Laura Ingram makes me want to smash the set. Jeanine Pirro is like fingernails on a blackboard. She has no setting except outrage over - anything.

    1. Focks News, uh Opinion, is on my radar. Read my post 'The Media'.
