Sunday, July 19, 2020

Don't Take Me Back To Tulsa

TULSA — A group of white anti-mask demonstrators jeered and grabbed at a black pastor outside Tulsa’s City Hall this week as he demanded reparations for the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre. Someone in the group also poured a liquid on him.

Where do I begin? 

Let's start with racist, 'white anti-mask demonstrators'. 

These throwbacks have no use for face masks that could help stop the spread of a deadly virus, but I'm pretty sure they would have no objection to wearing pointy hoods with cutouts for eyes. Why? Just BeKKKause.

They 'jeered a black pastor' and 'grabbed at him'.

Nothing out of place here. What do you expect from a group of marginal white people upon seeing a black member of the clergy? They were simply trying to communicate with, and get a closer look at the curious phenomenon of a tamed negro. It was all just an innocent educational experience as far as they were concerned.

Someone in the group also poured a liquid on him.

Why that's just an old 'Southwest Christian' tradition. A 'good old boy', 'good old party' baptism. Praise The Lord! Hallelujah!! He's been saved!!!

'Demanded reparations for the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre.'

The nerve of that guy wanting to get justice for what a 'White Mob' and the 'Oklahoma National Guard' did to his ancestors over 100 years ago. 10,000 blacks left homeless. Upwards of 200 killed. $1.5 million in real estate and $750,000 in personal property damage (equivalent to $32.25 million in 2019) all because some black men had the audacity to try and protect a 19 year old black shoeshiner from being lynched. He supposedly assaulted a 17 year old white elevator operator. We obviously know who the guilty party was by the color of his skin. Yes, some white people died during the skirmish. They were part of the lynch mob, so they were just doing God's work and are now living comfortably for eternity in a segregated and gated community in Heaven where the movie "To Kill A Mockingbird" has been banned since 1962.


The next thing you know we'll be giving back land to the native people from whom we stole this 'discovered' country. The only people who deserve 'Golden Parachutes' oops! I mean "reparations" in this 'The Year Of Our Lord' 2020 are the already rich, white CEO's of companies who have gone bankrupt during the 'Great Pandemic' while under the watchful eye of our great B.S. 'Bone Spur' President, Donald John Trump.

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