Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Tump's (sic) New Math

Donald Trump has claimed that he has done “more for minorities” than Barak Obama during his time in office.

This is a perfect example of D.T.'s misleading exaggerations and his spelling handicap. Here's how it all works:

We know that Donald exaggerates and inflates. Remember, he had the "largest audience to ever witness an inauguration", or he repeatedly claimed that he won a “landslide” Electoral College victory? Both untrue. In fact when it comes to his "landslide" claim, his margin actually ranked on the low end of the scale in modern presidential elections.

As far as his misspellings go, we have: "smocking gun", "hamberders" "global waming", "Prince of Whales", etc., etc., etc.
Let's put on our decoder rings.

When Trump says he has done "more for minorities" what it really translates to is that he has done "more to minorities". Trump is good with figures, so he says, therefore: two X two = four. Easy, right? Now, let's look at this in light of Trump's spelling handicap: to X to = for. Or, to exaggerated by to equals for. With me so far? 

Putting it all together we see that: 

1. Trump inflates and exaggerates.
2. He's good with figures, so he says.
3. He's a lousy speller.


When Trump says he is doing or has done something for someone what he really means is, he is doing or has done something to someone. This formula works surprisingly well in several instances. For example:

1. Trump told the Christian Broadcasting Network that evangelicals are "going to show up for me" on Election Day "because nobody's done more for Christians or evangelicals or frankly religion than I have." This really means: Trump told the Christian Broadcasting Network that evangelicals are "going to show up for me" on Election Day "because nobody's done more to Christians or evangelicals or frankly religion than I have." Easily proven by his past and present immoral behavior.

2. Mr. Trump claimed on Twitter to have done more for black Americans than any president since Abraham Lincoln. This decodes to: Mr. Trump claimed on Twitter to have done more to black Americans than any president since Abraham Lincoln. Proven by his racist attitudes and his complicity with White Nationalists. 

And our original:

3. Donald Trump has claimed that he has done “more for minorities” than Barak Obama during his time in office. Meaning he has done "more to minorities" than Barak Obama during his time in office. Proven by how he treats women of color or how he makes fun of people with disabilities. (Remember how he mocked New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski?) What about his Pocahontas comments concerning Elizabeth Warren? I bet Native Americans loved that. 

Even Eric Trump uses this formula when he says his father has done more for the relationship with North Korea than 'any President ever'. Translated: His father has done more to the relationship with North Korea than 'any President ever'. Proven by the fact that Kim Jong-un is no longer interested in meetings with the U.S.

One more thing. When a person is quoted exactly and the spelling of a word is non-standard or wrong the Latin adverb sic is used. For example when Trump tweeted that the number of burgers he purchased had grown again to “over 1000 hamberders etc.”, it would be quoted exactly as “over 1000 hamberders (sic) etc.” The '(sic)' indicates that the quote is verbatim including the misspelling. So If I said "Donald Tump is a moron" you could quote me as saying "Donald Tump (sic) is a moron." Mind you the spelling of 'Tump' is incorrect. The fact that he is a moron is not.

We could further state:

Donald Tump (sic).

Donald Trump (sick).

Both would be correct.

Let's do something to Trump on November 3rd. Vote for Biden.

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