Thursday, August 20, 2020

Roll Up Your Arm And Bend Over!

Who better to push the extract of oleander as a cure for Covid than ex-crack addict and founder of the Better Business Bureau 'F' rated company 'MyPillow®', Mike Swindell. After all, he had an intimate relationship with, and vast knowledge of the extract of the coca plant. What few brain cells he had left were used to build his over-hyped foam pillow empire. That, and his relationship with Donald Trump, makes him an expert in the field of microbiology and one of the most respected scientists in the universe. Really, comparing anyone to Trump in their knowledge of just about anything would make them look like frickin' geniuses. 

So let's all pack up our hypodermics and get ready to meet 'the man' on some dimly lit street corner for the next best thing since hydroxychloroquine. What a rush it will be. Hey, if 'Mikey likes it' it must be good. Just make sure it's uncut. You know, get the pure stuff. I hear they'll be selling it in '8 balls'. No need to take orally, so you don't even have to remove the mask that you're not wearing.

Gosh, what if oleander extract is a gateway drug? Next thing you know some moron will tell us that ingesting bleach is a good idea. Or that putting a flashlight inside our body can cure us. Don't you just miss the good old days of laetrile and coffee enemas? "Good to the last drop"! More like, "Good until the last one of us drops".

This 'Swindell' guy is the person Trump embraces to represent his views? We all know who Trump has embraced, or pissed on, in the past. It is not a pretty picture. Try to bleach that image from your eyes!

Mike Swindell. He invented 'MyPillow®' because sleeping on the pavement was hurting his head.

Mike Lindell, MyAss®!

The sure cure for our current 'Political Pandemic':
Vote Donald John Trump out of office on November 3rd!!!

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