Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Exscuuuuuse Me!

In 2016 and 2018, Sen. Lindsey Graham stated that a Supreme Court vacancy should not be filled in an election year, or certainly not after the primaries had begun. So why did he tweet "I will support President Donald Trump in any effort to move forward regarding the recent vacancy created by the passing of Justice Ginsburg"? As Graham said while being interviewed. Because; "Things Change".

How did Donald Trump rationalize the deaths of 155,331 U.S. citizens by Covid-19 on August 3rd? (Refer to post; It Is. What? It Is! published on August 5th.) As he stated. Because; "It Is What It Is".

What has Trump used as an excuse at least 34 times since the start of the pandemic for why he will not enforce a mask mandate to help stop the spread of the virus? Because; "It (The Virus) Will Disappear". (Everything will disappear... eventually... The sun will go supernova, then BOOM!, it's bye-bye all.)

Here are some more examples about how to use other meaningless sayings to get out of taking responsibility for, well, just about anything.

Three days before the Dec. 7, 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt was warned in a memo from naval intelligence that Tokyo's military and spy network was focused on Hawaii. Why was no action taken on this intelligence which subsequently led to the deaths of 2,403 U.S. personnel? Because; "No One Knows What The Future Will Bring".

What about the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19th 1995 which left 168 people dead. Were Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols' motives really related to the Ruby Ridge or Waco sieges as perpetrated by law enforcement officials? No, it was just, Because; "Shit Happens".  

Derek Chauvin, you had your knee on the neck of George Floyd for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. You killed him. We saw you with our own eyes. It's on video. Don't judge you? How can you say that? Because; "Nothing Is As It Seems".

For over 200 years Blacks were kept as slaves in America. They were subjected to the most abhorrent of conditions. They were hunted by "slave hounds". They were beaten, brutalized and lynched. The had their heritage and dignity ripped from them. Why shouldn't they get reparations for the horrors they had to endure? Because; "That Was Then, This Is Now". "Get Over It".

To this day Blacks are still treated as second class citizens. They have been systematically excluded from the same economic opportunities that exist for White people. They have not been treated as equals under the law. In fact, the laws of this country have been used against them in a highly unfair manner. The police, who should be protecting them, have been murdering them. Why? Because; "Life Is Strange".

We could have done something more to protect our minorities. We could have done something more to save the lives of those who have died in this Covid pandemic. We could have done more to protect wildlife and the environment. We could have done more to make sure we elected competent individuals into positions of power. Why didn't we see what was coming? Because; "Hindsight Is 20/20".

Look at all the people who have died in war. The countless people who we have lost due to poverty and disease in Third World countries. All those who have suffered at the hands of the oppressors in tyranny. Those whose lives have been cut short because of rampant gun violence. The lives of those that have been destroyed by being falsely accused and incarcerated. Because; "It's Always Something".

Mr. Kennedy, how will you respond to the charges brought against you in regards to the drowning death of Mary Jo Kopechne as a result of your negligence? You didn't even bother to report the incident to authorities until 10 hours after the accident at Poucha Pond in Chappaquiddick. Perhaps her life could have been saved. No comment. Because; "We'll Cross That Bridge When We Get To It".

Mr. Kennedy, what do you say to the parents of Mary Jo Kapechne now that you have been found guilty of leaving the scene of an accident causing bodily injury resulting in the death of their daughter? Nothing. Because; "That's Water Under The Bridge".

Nobody need worry about Covid-19. Because; "What You Can't See Won't Hurt You".

But, if by some fluke of nature you do get Coronavirus and you end up on a ventilator or in a coma for days, or even weeks. No worries. Because; "What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger".

What do you say about a guy (Trump) who had affairs while his wife was taking care of his newborn baby? Or a guy (Trump) who has been accused of several instances of sexual harassment? Or a guy (Trump) who likes to burst in, unannounced, into the dressing rooms of beauty pageants he was hosting to 'sneak-a-peek'? Or a guy (Trump) who boasts about grabbing women "by their pussies"? Or a guy (Trump) who degrades and disrespects all kinds of females, especially those in power? Not a thing. Because; "Boys Will Be Boys".

And "That's Just The Way It Is".

If "Ignorance Is Bliss" then Donald J Trump Must Be The Happiest Man Alive!

Wipe that smile off his face on Tuesday, November 3rd. Vote for Biden/Harris!!

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